CCS en Voz Alta
#LeerMueveElMundo was a happening promoted by the Goethe-Institut together with Cultura Chacao that seeks to consolidate reading as a form of expression and cultural appropriation, managing to conquer spaces in several Latin American cities simultaneously. Caracas en Voz Alta was a demonstration of commitment to our city and to others, a way to participate in the celebration of the European Day of Languages. Next to the Incursiones Arquitectura team we work on: ✔ Conceptualize the identity of the action. ✔ Generated pieces for the intrigue campaign, diffusion in social networks and in the defined spaces for the capture of participants, among them are included images for post, newsletter and printed. ✔ I documented all the action together with a group of voluntary collaborators. ✔ I created a video with all the compiled material that also includes pieces in Motion Graphics.